Shipping Abbreviations
Shipping Abbreviations
AA = Always Afloat (ship must always be afloat i.e Port must have sufficient Draft)
AARA = Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area( It’s a Range)
AAAA = Always Accessible Always Afloat (Vessel must always afloat & always accessible for loading
ABT = About
ADCOM = Address Commission( Commission pass on to Charterers)
AFSPS = Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Delivery point)
AFT = Stern or back part of a ship
AGW = All Going Well.
AHL = Australian Hold Ladders(Ladder leads to hold).
ANTHAM = Antwerp-Hamburg Range.
APS = Arrival Pilot Station(First station for delivery or redelivery).
ARAG = Amsterdam-Rotterdam–Antwerp-Ghent Range.
ATDNSHINC = Any Time Day or Night Sundays and Holidays Included.
ATUTC = Actual Times Used to Count.
AFFREIGHTMENT = The hiring of a ship in whole or part.
A/S = Alongside.
BAF = Bunker Adjustment Factor.
BALLAST = Sea water loaded for the stability of a ship when empty(not carrying cargo).
BAREBOAT CHTR = Owners lease a ship for long period and finally pases the ownership after the period is over.
BBB = Before Breaking Bulk( It means before fully discharge).
BDI = Both Dates Inclusive.
BENDS = Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports)
BI = Both Inclusive
BIMCO = The Baltic and International Maritime Council.
BL (1) = Bale
BL (2) = (Bill of Lading) Receipt of goods,Document of Title of goods,Evidence of contract of carriage.
BM = Beam
BEAM = The maximum breadth of a ship (that point is called as Beam).
BOB = Bunker on Board
BOFFER = Best Offer
BROB = Bunkers Remaining on Board.
BSS = Basis
BSS 1/1 = Basis 1 Port to 1 Port
BT = Berth Terms
BUNDLING = Assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable unit. So that it can be easily handled by fork lifts.
BUNKERS = Fuel needed to run ship
BWAD = Brackish Water Arrival Draft
CBM = Cubic Meter (unit to measure cargo occupied space).
CBFT (or CFT) = Cubic Feet (unit to measure cargo occupied space).
CFR (or C&F) = Cost and Freight-
CHOPT = Charterers Option
CHTRS = Charterers
CIF = Cost, Insurance & Freight.
COA = Contract of Affreightment (Owners accept a cost per ton for cargo carried on a ship.
COACP = Contract of Affreightment Charter Party(mentioned in c.p)
COB = Close of Business
COD = Cash On Delivery
COGSA = Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
CONS = Consumption(normally refers to fuel consumption)
COP = Custom Of Port
CP (or C/P) = Charter Party
CPD = Charterers Pay Dues
CPT = Carriage Paid To
CQD = Customary Quick Dispatch.
CROB = Cargo Remaining on Board.
CRN = Crane
CST = Centistoke
CTR = Container Fitted
DAPS = Days all Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging)
DDU = Delivered Duty unpaid.
DDP = Delivered Duty Paid.
DEM = Demurrage( penalty in terms of rates given by charterer to owner for its delayed operations of loading/discharging).
DESP = Dispatch( its money received by charterer from owner for finishing loading/discharging before determined time).
DET = Detention
DHDATSBE = Dispatch Half Demurrage on Actual Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBE = Dispatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends
DISCH = Discharge(Discharging of cargo)
DK = Deck
DLOSP = Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot (for delivery/redelivery)
DO = Diesel Oil
DOP = Dropping Outward Pilot (for delivery/redelivery)
DOT = Department of Transport
DNRSAOCLONL = Discount less and Non-Returnable Ship and/or Cargo Lost or Not Lost
DRAFT = Depth by which a ship is immersed in water.
DRK = Derrick
DUNNAGE = Materials of different types, often timber or matting, placed among the cargo for separation, and hence protecting cargo getting damage from rolling/pitching.
DWAT (or DWT) = Deadweight. Amount of cargo a ship can i.e the difference between lightship and loaded displacement.
EC = East Coast(of any country)
EIU = Even if Used (any machinery even if used)
ELVENT = Electric Ventilation
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
ETC = Estimated Time of Completion (cargo completed loading/discharging).
ETD = Estimated Time of Departure(of ship)
ETS = Estimated Time of Sailing(of ship)
EXW = Ex Works
FAS = Free Alongside Ship.
FD = Free of Dispatch
FDD = Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
FDIS = Free Discharge
FEU = Forty foot container equivalency (size of the container)
FHEX = Fridays/Holidays Excluded (port or country holidays implies here).
FHINC = Fridays/Holidays Included(port or country holidays implies here).
FILO = Free In/Liner Out.
FIO = Free In/Out.
FIOS = Free In/Out Stowed. As per FIO, includes stowage costs.
FIOT = Free In/Out & Trimmed.
FIOSLSD = Free In/Out Stowed, Lashed, Secured and Dunnaged.
FIOST = Free In/Out and Trimmed.
FIT = Free In Trimmed
FIW = Free In Wagon
FIXING = when a Vessel is fixed for chartering the undergoing process
FLT = Full Liner Terms (Shipowner pays to load and discharge the cargo).
FMC = Federal Maritime Commission US government agency.
FMS = Fathoms = 6 feet
FO ( = Fuel Oil
IFO=Intermediate FO
FOB = Free on Board.
FOFFER = Firm Offer
FOG = For Our Guidance
FOQ = Free On Quay
FOR = Free On Rail
FORCE MAJEURE = It is a term in Rider Clause that says due to nature limits responsibilities of the charterers, shippers and receivers .
FOT = Free On Truck
FOW (1) = First Open Water
FOW (2) = Free On Wharf
FREE OUT = Free of discharge costs to Owners
FWAD = Fresh Water Arrival Draft (Draft of ship).
FWDD = Fresh Water Departure Draft (Draft of ship).
FYG = For Your Guidance
FYI = For Your Information
GA = General Average(mentioned in cp)
GLS = Gearless(crane and grabs)
GNCN = Gencon a standard BIMCO cp form
GN (or GR) = Grain (capacity)
GO = Gas Oil
GRD = Geared(vessel fitted with cranes)
GRT = Gross Registered Tonnage(volume of all spaces on ship)
GSB = Good Safe Berth
GSP = Good Safe Port
GTEE = Guarantee
2H = Second Half(after first half)
HA = Hatch(cover of holds)
HDWTS = Half Dispatch Working Time Saved.
HMS = Heavy Metal Scrap(heavy cargo).
HO = Hold(where cargo are kept)
HW = High Water
IMDG = International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code(under dangerous good category).
IMO = International Maritime Organization(organization monitoring maritime activity).
IND = Indication
INTERMODAL = Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i.e. sea, road, rail and air within a single journey.
ITF = International Transport Federation international body that regulates crewing of ships
IU = If Used (used in laytime calculations)
IUATUTC = If Used, Actual Time Used To Count
IUHATUTC = If Used, Half Actual Time Used To Count
IWL = Institute Warranty Limits
LANE METER =Space capacity of Ro/Ro ships.
LASH (1) = Lashing/using of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc to secure cargo.
LASH (2) = Lighter Aboard Ship a vessel that loads small barges direct from the water.
LAT = Latitude(latitude and longitude)
LOA = Length Overall (total length of the vessel)
LOW = Last Open Water
LS (or LUMPS) = Lumpsum
LSD = Lashed Secured Dunnaged
LT = Liner Terms
LW = Low Water
LYCN = Laycan (these are the days kept aside for loading/discharging)
MB = Merchant Broker
MDO = Marine Diesel Oil
MIN/MAX = Minimum/Maximum (it’s the quantity of cargo)
MOLCHOPT = More or Less Charterers Option(to load cargo).
MOLOO = More or Less Owners Option(to load cargo)
MT = Metric Ton (bulk cargo are loaded in metric tonnes).
M/V = Motor Vessel( term used to indicate ship)
NAABSA = Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground(ports to have sufficient draft so that if its gets ground it can reafloat of its own).
NCB = National Cargo Bureau
NESTING = Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similarly shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates.
NON-REVERSIBLE = (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed.
NOR = Notice of Readiness
NRT = Net Registered Tonnage
NYPE = New York Produce Exchange
OO = Owners Option(its owner option to load more cago on his ship or not)
OSH = Open Shelter Deck
OWS = Owners(owner of ship)
PASTUS = Past Us
PC = Period of Charter.
PCGO = Part Cargo
PCT = Percent
PDPR = Per Day Pro Rata(use to calculate hire rate or in laytime calculations).
PERDIEM = By the Day
PHPD = Per Hatch Per Day
PRATIQUE = Permission to use a port, given after quarantine.
RCVR = Receivers
REVERSIBLE (Detention) = If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can be added to discharge operations.
ROB = Remaining On Board
RT = Revenue Ton (i.e. 1.0 metric Ton or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever is greater)..
SATPM = Saturday P.M.
SB = Safe Berth(berth where loading/discharging is happening must be safe in all aspect).
SD (or SID) = Single Decker
SEAFREIGHT = Charges for transporting goods over the sea.
SELFD = Self Discharging
SF = Stowage factor.
SHINC = Sundays/Holidays Included (implies to holidays in port).
SHEX = Sundays/Holidays Excluded (implies to holidays in port)
SOC = Shipper Owned Container
SOF = Statement Of Facts( document where all evidence of loading/discharging is written)
SP = Safe Port (Port where loading/discharging is happening must be safe in all aspect)
SRBL = Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading.
SSHEX = Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded (excluded in cp).
SSHINC = Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included (included in cp)
STARBOARD = Right side of a ship
STEM = Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo).
STERN = The aft part or back of a ship
SUB = Subject (to)
SUPERCARGO = Person employed by a ship owner to supervise cargo operations. Often called as port captain.
SWAD = Salt Water Arrival Draft (Draft)
SWDD = Salt Water Departure Draft (Draft)
TC = Time Charter Owners agree to hire out his ship for a specific time.
TEU = Twenty Foot Equivalency Unit ( 20 feet Container)
TTL = Total
TW = Tween Decker (double hold)
USC = Unless Sooner Commenced ( Used in laytime calculations)
UU = Unless Used ( Used in laytime calculations).
UUIUATUTC = Unless Used If Used Actual Time Used To Count ( Used in laytime calculations).
VPD = Vessel Pays Dues
WCCON = Whether Customs Cleared Or Not
WIBON = Whether In Berth Or Not (ship)
WIFPON = Whether In Free Pratique or not (state of ship clean bill of health)
WIPON = Whether In Port Or Not (refer to ship)
WLTOHC = Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming (distance from water line to coaming of hatch).
WOG = Without Guarantee
WPD = Weather Permitting Day(weather is clear).
WWD = Weather Working Day
WRIC = Wire Rods In Coils
WWR = When, Where Ready
WWWW = Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon
YAR = York Antwerp Rules.

Shipping Abbreviation –ship
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