Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate
Updated-Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate

Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate
Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate is a seafarer’s identity document issued for
1.The purpose of providing the holder with identity papers for travel to or from an assigned vessel or pursuant to instructions by the master of such a vessel and
2. Providing a record of the holder sea service.
Indian cdc online application 2020
It contains the sea-service record of the seafarers duly signed by the master while he is on-board a ship.
The particular category of seafarer (officer/ rating) which the holder is qualified to serve.
Each person serving on-board of the vessel, shall have this document, failing which he will not allow to join ship.

Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate-Checker
Eligibility conditions for applicant
The applicant should be a citizen of India
Maximum age limit for Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate
Age | limit |
1.For Deck ,Engine and Catering (Saloon) rating trainees 2. For Petty Officers 3. For Ex-Naval ratings | between 18 and 25 years of age between 18 to 40 years upto 45 years of age |
Educational Qualifications :
(i) | For Deck, Engine, and Catering(Saloon) Trainees (Ratings) | Xth standard passed |
* An applicant must have completed the pre-sea training for ratings from DG approved training institute
* An applicant have done the basic familiarization training and instructions
*An applicant shall not hold any C.D.C. which is been issued earlier by any Shipping Master in India.
*The applicant need to submit copies of his passport
Eligibility for Certificated Officers
1. Candidate must be a citizen of India who possess a valid certificate of competency (under Section 78 of the Act or a Certificate recognized under Section 86 of the Act).
2. Certificate recognized under Section 86 of the Act.
3. Successful final year candidate with three years B.Sc. (Nautical Science) course approved by the DG Shipping.
4. Candidate passed or exempted in Marine Engineer Officer Class-II Part A Examination.
5. The Trainee Marine Engineer, Trainee Radio Officers and Deck Cadets, completed the pre-sea training and are eligible to proceed to sea.
6. Navigational Watch-keeping Officer (NCV), Marine Officer Class-IV and ex-Indian Naval Officer in possession of a Watch-keeping Certificate, and completed written examination and who are required to go through on board training for oral examination.
7. Any citizen of India holding a valid Certificate of competency issued by any foreign nation, is eligible.
8. All the applicants above shall have undergone the basic familiarization training and instructions as prescribed under sub-rule (2) of rule 33 of the Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarer’s) Rules, 1998.
Issue of Indian CDC Continuous Discharge Certificate
The Shipping Master shall, after verifying all particulars of the applicant and the photograph,affix his signature and official seal on the photograph and issue the same to the applicant
Note :candidate must fulfills all the conditions which is laid down in rules 4 and 5.
DG shipping only issue CDC and does not guarantee a job.
Validity of CDC
The CDC (Continuous discharge certificate) is valid for 10 years from the date of issuance.
CDC can be renew for another 10 years, a sticker is sent by dg shipping which has to be pasted in the last blank pages of CDC.
Validity of CDC if expires during the voyage, it shall continue to be valid till the end of the voyage.
Seafarers must always hold old expired CDC as this documents contains seafarer’s sea service record mention on it and it remains always valid.
Continuous discharge certificate application form
Name of Seamen in full
Name of Father
Date of Birth
Place of Birth :
Height in Centimeters :
Colour of Eyes :
Colour of Hair:
Certificate of Competency, if any
Grade | Number |
Tattoo or other distinguishing marks:
(i) | |
(ii) |
Issued at the Port of ……………………
Date of Issue :
Signature of Seaman…………………….
Shipping Master
1. Pre-Sea Training Certificate No. and Place of Issue:
2. PSSR Certificate No. and Place of Issue:
3. PST Certificate No. and Place of Issue:
4. FF&FP Certificate No. and Place of Issue:
5. EFA Certificate No. and Place of Issue:
6. Certificate of Competency in Cooking No and Place of Issue:
How to fill Indian CDC application form
(To be entered by the Seaman)
Post Office
Name & Relationship……………………………………………………………………………………
Documents required for Indian CDC
Completed Application form
A Passport sized color photograph with white background
Medical fitness certificate(As per DG circular)
All STCW basic safety certificates
A letter from the company
Requisite fee
Cancellation or suspension of a C.D.C.
(1) Any complaint against seamen who has committed a misconduct or any offence referred to in sub-section (2) of section 195 .
(2) If a seamen is found guilty of an offence of committing any of the acts mentioned in section 194 of the Act
(3) If making a false or erroneous information
(4) If the C.D.C. has been cancelled or suspended due to any above reasons for the seaman shall be intimated in writing to whom it is issued and a copy of the order of such cancellation may be forwarded all other Shipping Masters in India and the DG Shipping
(5) The seaman is given an opportunity to represent his case before the shipping master before cancellation or suspension
The Shipping Master shall give the reasons of cancellation or suspension
11 Appeal – (1) Within a period of 60 days of receipt order an applicant can appeal to the Deputy Director General of Shipping
C.D.C. not to be issued in certain cases
(1) An applicant whose C.D.C. has been cancelled or suspended by a Shipping Master of one zone and who applies to the another zone.
(2) If the issue request of C.D.C. is cancelled or suspended, the reasons for the such cancellation shall be stated to the applicant and a copy of the such order shall be endorsed to the DG Shipping and shipping master.
(3) Any applicant who is debarred in written and order have been passed by a Shipping Masters will not issue CDC
Duplicate C.D.C.

Duplicate CDC is issued If for any reason C.D.C is found mislaid, destroyed, defaced or mutilated A fee of rupees one thousand for issuance of a duplicate copy of the charged with all entries of the previous voyages
Indian Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC)
Application for C.D.C.— May be sent to any of the following address
The shipping master at Nau Bhavan,
10, R.K. Marg, Ballard Estate,
Indian Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC)
The shipping master,
Shipping Office, Marine House, Hastings,
Calcutta – 700 022
shipping master,
Mercantile Marine Department,
Anchorgate Building, 2nd floor,
P.B.No.5004, Rajaji Salai,
by registered post only.

How to Renew Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate

Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate Checker: To check the status of your CDC click here
Types of CDC other than Indian CDC
Marshal Island

St. Kitties
Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate full form
continuous discharge certificate
Indian CDC-Continuous Discharge Certificate apply
visit for more information
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