How To Join Merchant Navy

How to join Merchant Navy- Here we are going to learn about what Merchant navy is ?
Merchant : A person involved in wholesale trade, the one dealing in foreign countries or supplying cargo to a particular trade.
Navy : operations at sea
Merchant navy in another words is supplying of goods on ship from one country to another through sea -route.
Today ,there is hardly few career which can fetch such high salaries at such young age that Merchant Navy offers.
Unfortunately , the knowledge on the subject of “What is Merchant navy and How to join it ? ” still remains the privilege of very few people who already have relatives and friends in this industry .
The ships today are highly technology intensive.
Safety and efficiency of the ship are crucial and depends upon the professional ability, competence and dedication to duty , of a seafarer , on board ship. Read here safety on ship
A seafarer is expected to be highly professional and trained as required for the safe and efficient operation of the ship.
The training in India is of exceptionally high standards and the Indian Seafarers are one of the most in demand in the shipping industry worldwide and gets highly paid .
1. Get to travel the whole world
2. Earn a lucrative remuneration ,and tour the world and lead happy life.
3. Chance to don a uniform and call oneself an officer
4.The responsibility of running a multi-million dollar ship and its cargo
Merchant navy can be joined after 10th 12th and graduation in this post we are going to learn various entries:-
There are three department on any ship
- Deck
- engine
- Saloon / Catering
Below is the Flow chart of Different Careers,one can take any one of these depending upon his interest and eligibility fulfillment .

Deck :- Deck Department consist of Deck Officers and Deck crew.They all work in coordination with safety .
Role of Deck Cadet:-

Deck Cadet – He/she is a trainee who is there on the ship to learn as much as possible.
Usually, the deck cadet has to assist the chief officer at all times, however, the chief can assign him/her according to the situation.
The cadet performs jobs such as taking sounding, painting, ballasting/de-ballasting, cargo watches, navigational watch, paperwork, maintenance jobs, etc.
How to join as Deck officer ( Detailed) & Eligibility
Academic Qualification: –Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with an average PCM score of 60% and 50% in the English language.
Physical Standards:– Medically fit as per the standards set by M.S. Medical Examination Rules, 2000.
Eyesight:-Candidates have to qualify a full eyesight test conducted by the MMD .
They should have 6/6 in each eye without visual aids and should be free from colour blindness (Medical Examination) Rules, 2000; as amended

Deck Rating-is responsible for cargo handling, mooring/ unmooring and general maintenance of the ship, addition to that carry out Bridge watch, cargo watch.
One of the most important role is to Steer the ship as and when required.
Candidate joins a Ship as Deck Rating in the category of Trainee seaman/ Trainee O.S (trainee seaman / trainee o.s) .both are same.
After completing 6-9 months of contract they need to obtain watch keeping certificate to sail as an Ordinary Seaman (O.S).
Ordinary Seaman (O.S) needs to complete 12-18 months,to get COP
and sail as Able Bodied Seaman
AB or Able Bodies Seaman is Finally promoted as Bosun .
Bosun is the Rank who is head in all crew.
AB is promoted with the experience ,seniority and good report .
Engine Room Rating– assist the engineering officers in the maintenance and operation of engines and associated equipment.
Candidate joins a Ship in the category of Trainee Wiper,after completing 6-9 months of contract they need to obtain watchkeeping certificate to sail as Wiper.
Wiper needs to complete 12-18 months to obtain COP to sail as Motorman .
Academic Qualification –Pass 10th or equivalent examination with Science and Maths as subject with aggregate 40%
and 40% marks in English language.
- Age Limit :- 17.5 to 25 years
- Physical Standards :- Eye Sight 6/6 and Physically fit
For more on :-click how to join as deck rating
For more on :-click how to join as engine rating

The Catering Crew consist of Steward and Cook
Steward: – Steward mainly helps the chief cook for preparing and cooking food for the people on board.
Some of his responsibility is cleaning the mess and the accommodation area. In addition he also cleans officer cabins, washes linen, dishes, etc.
He severs food to the officers and he has to be present in the officer’s mess room during meal hours.
Cook: Looks after the catering of crew on board
The chief cook in addition to above also assists the master for planning and ordering provisions on a ship.
Qualification – Pass with aggregate 40% marks in 12th standard from any stream, from a recognized Board with English as a subject. The candidate to obtain atleast 40% mark.
Candidates holding Degree/Diploma in Hotel management from recognized and reputed board or the universities. The candidates should have scored a minimum of 40 % marks in English language at 10th / 12th standard examination.
Age – Between 17.5 to 25 years
Medical – medically fit
For more on :- click how to join and career of saloon ratings

Engineers are the officers who are qualified in Marine Engineering. Engineers join as 5th Engineer then gets promoted to 4th Engineer and step by step, get promoted to 3rd, 2nd and Chief Engineer
Promotion is subject to their passing the competency exams and performance onboard the ship.
The engineering department in addition looking after the main engines is also responsible for associated equipment like power generation equipment, cargo pumps, and air-conditioning, etc.
Minimum education qualifications:-
HND (Higher National Diploma) Marine Engineering
Qualification- Min 10+2 PCM
B.E Marine Engineering (4-Year Degree course in Marine Engineering)
Qualification- Min 10+2 PCM and English
B.S. in Nautical Technology (3 years training at Institute + 1 year at Sea)
Qualification- Min 10+2 PCM
3-Year B.Sc. Degree in Nautical Science
Qualification- Min 10+2 PCM and English
2-year Marine Engineering course
Qualification – Diploma in Mechanical /Marine/ Naval Architecture / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1-year Marine Engineering Course, (GME) Graduate Marine Engineer
Qualification – Graduation in BE (Mech) Engineering / Naval Arch. with minimum of 50% marks in final year and with 50% minimum marks in English lang in 10th or 12th or in Degree Exam.
For more on click :-eligibility requirements for Marine engineer
STCW Course
The International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW):-
STCW courses contains basic safety training
All seafarers who are working on board the commercial ships needs to do STCW course.
This consists of four basic course
EFA (Elementary First Aid)
EPFF (Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting )
PST (Provisional Survival Techniques)
PSSR (Personal Safety & Social responsibility
Besides these course PSC&RB is must nowadays to sail on ship.