Merchant navy after 12th with pcm
An aspirant can join merchant navy after 12th with PCM
Diploma in Nautical Science (1 years)
Duration of the course : 1 Year
Academic Qualification : Pass 10+2 with an average PCM score of 60% and 50 % in English language
Physical Standards : Medically fit as per DGS guidelines
BSc Nautical Science (3 Years)
Duration of the course : 3 Year
Academic Qualification : Pass 10+2 or equivalent examination with 45% average in PCM.
Physical Standards : Medically fit as per DGS guidelines
AGE: 17 -25 years
Merchant navy after 12th with pcm

Read in Detail :How to join Merchant Navy as Deck Cadet
Read in Detail : How to Join Merchant Navy as Engine Officer
Required Short Courses
GMDSS-Global Maritime Distress Safety System
ROC/ARPA- Radar Observation Course
EFA-Elementary First Aid
MFA- Medical First Aid
BFF- Basic Fire Fighting
ECDIS-Electronic Chart Display and Information System
CTF/OTF/GTF-Container/Oil/Gas Tanker familiarization course
PSCRB-Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat
PSSR-Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
PST-Personal Survival Technique
AFF- Advance Fire Fighting
Related Read : How to Join Merchant navy
- BE/B Tech Marine Engineering (4 Years)
RATING ENTRY PASSED Class X or XII - Pre Sea GP Rating Course (6 Months)
CATERING DEPARTMENT ENTRY Class X or XII - Maritime Catering Course (6 Months)
- BSc in Marine Catering (3 Years)
AGE: 17-25 years
EYESIGHT:6/6 in each eye without glasses
Color blindness is not allowed
Education requirement for Cadet: 50% marks in English and an aggregate of 60% marks in PCM
Education requirement for ratings : 40% marks in English in Xth and XIIth and a 40% aggregate in Xth or XIIth with English, Mathematics and Sciences in Xth and any stream for the XIIth board.
Education requirement for catering department: 40% marks in English in Xth and XIIth and a 40% aggregate in Xth or XIIth with English, Mathematics and Sciences in Xth and any stream for the XIIth board.